August 7, 2023
At times everyone is in need of some help or support. If you are in need, or know of a family at Lake View that is in need of school resources, supplies, food or help for the hol...

January 17, 2025
Please remember that there will not be school held on Monday, January 20th. Thank you!

November 7, 2024
We will have our picture retakes on Tuesday November, 12. If you would like to order retake pictures, please come to the office to get a picture packet. Or you can go online to...

June 18, 2024
Kindergarten is coming, Here are some things you can do to prepar!!!

August 4, 2023
Hello Parents,
I am so glad to be back preparing for the upcoming school year! This year will have a lot of change, and we want to make sure that everyone is aware of what is g...
July 20, 2023
Current student Registration is now open! ALL students will need to register for the upcoming school year.
To Register or Enroll a student:

June 1, 2023
See the flyer for information about Back to School 2023-2024.

May 19, 2023
Don't forget that there is no KINDERGARTEN class on Monday or Tuesday. Please make sure to attend your testing time.

May 15, 2023
Free and Reduced Meal applications are now being accepted: Apply at: See the school lunch announcements.
Breakfast will be $1.45 at Lake...

May 12, 2023
A few announcements: We have some free books for all students interested. They are on a table in the front hallway of the school. Feel free to take some. Lost and Found ite...

May 4, 2023
Just some clarifications on the morning times. 7:55 Teachers pick up their students. 7:55-8:10 Any students still arriving go through the 2nd grade door on the playground un...

March 16, 2023
March 28th is our Kindergarten Roundup! Sign up for an appointment: Enroll your child for Kindergarten: ...

March 9, 2023
BESD is moving to all day Kindergarten, and it will be available to all who want it! Register your child that is turning 5 by September 1st, at:

February 27, 2023
February 27th will be a Virtual Learing Day.
Teachers will send out information by 10:00 today for work for students to do.